MovMed Level 2
As we launch our Foundations of Functional Training (FFT) 10 week course, we're going to use that template as a base to teach a more in-depth approach to coaching others using MovMed principles. We aim for Level 2 to give you the tools to give custom structured programming to your clients.
By registering for Level 2, you will receive...
The FFT 10-Week Course (Priced at $350)
6 Weeks of Group Classes (multiple/week)
3 Online 1-on-1 Sessions (45 Minute Sessions)
Our first wave is still in progress. Look out for announcements about start date for our next wave.
Sign up now to gain instant access to our Level 2 Pre-recorded classes and the FFT 10-Week Course.
Topics Include
Motility = Slide & Glide (Precursor of mobility/flexibility)
Midline = Deep Frontline/Centerline/Butt-Mouth
- The limbs have their own which feed back to primary midline
Cranial Nerves = 1-10
Fascia = Skin
10 Bodily Systems
Visual/Vestibular & A Stable Spine
- VOR: hand to back of skull & moving the eyes to feel our ‘bracing’
- Cranium
- Neck
- Thorax
- Core
- Pelvis
BOCT = Blood Occlusion Counter Tensioning (Compression/Expansion in isolation)
MFA = MyoFascial Activation (Recruiting ‘new’ tissues in order to learn to yield)