Become a MovMed Coach
Del Ray Beach, FL November 15-17
3 days of feeling and understanding the foundations of MovMed while interacting with the other certification participants, who are largely high quality innovative practitioners from a variety of fields.
Plus follow-up online classes to help with retainment and integration of the information.
We'll cover theory and techniques around improving clients' parasympathetic responses by stimulating reflexes associated with breathing, swallowing, posture, and movement. Doing so often reduces pain and discomfort both in acute and chronic scenarios over a wide range of ages and populations.
When you register you also get access to our certification web course; a comprehensive breakdown of the core of MovMed
(Normally priced at $1000US).
(If you already have the web course and wish to just purchase the event ticket, use links at the bottom of the page.)
You'll get the course right away so you can start getting familiar with some of the concepts and techniques before the event.